Install and Share .ipa file on iOS without using TestFlight

Yuv Sinha
2 min readSep 19, 2021


Hello Everyone, in this article i will share how to install and share the .ipa file into Iphone or any iOS device without deploying to App Store and TestFlight.

I found this very helpful for sharing the ipa file direct to any users and test the iOS build.So let’s start with the process.


First Open Xcode and Select any simulator or iOS device, then run your application.

  • After successful running , now you can build a release file.Go to Product Tab .
  • Select Scheme and choose Edit Scheme .
  • In Edit Scheme , select “Run” and in info tab , set Build Configuration as “Release”.
Choose Release Build (For Sharing Release one)
  • Now Select the iOS device as —>Any iOS Device
  • Go to Product Tab and select archive menu to archive your project .This process may take more time.
  • After successful archive , click on “Distribute App” and then Select “Ad Hoc” as distribution method.
  • After this, you will get an option for App Thinning , Here you wait for some minutes and then it will be selected as “None”.

And uncheck the option :“include manifest for over-the-air installation”.

  • Then Select Signing method as Automatically or Manually signing.
  • After Successful compilation , you will get an Export Button.
  • After clicking this button, You can save your Export Folder into any of your system location.
  • When you open this folder, you will have the ipa file there.

So, Finally 🤟!! We generated the ipa file.

Step 2: Installation and Sharing Process

— > Open Diawi or InstallOnAir link.

  • Here you can upload your ipa file and generate a downloadable link.
  • After successful upload, you will get a link.
  • Now you can share the link to whom you want.
  • For download, you can open the link from your iOS device and install it.

[ Note:This installation can be done only from Safari Browser. ]

That’s it ,from this process we can build and test our iOS application without deploying it into AppStore TestFlight.

Hope You’ll like this article 😎.



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